In short, if you are wondering how to sing well without classes, keep this tip in mind. As with any skill, the more you practice, the more competent you become. Athletes, painters and carpenters practice their chosen craft to become as skilled as possible. If you want to become an accomplished singer, you need to practice every day.
The classes will absolutely help you, and yes, you will almost certainly be accumulating bad habits, but the only way to start learning how to do it is to sing, sing as much as you can and keep singing. Is there a choir in your area that you can join? Any other excuses to sing regularly (like a local karaoke bar)? With the right training, anyone can dramatically improve their singing. They may not become the next Callas or Caruso, of course, but with singing lessons and a little ear training, it is possible to improve intonation and vocal output. And if you want to learn to sing for yourself, check out my full online singing course, Master Your Voice.
It may not seem as intuitive as useful breathing and singing exercises, but music theory can help you improve your understanding of how music works and, as a result, become a better singer. The lead vocal is a term invented by old-school Italian teachers to describe notes at the top of the vocal range. Sing the word “Caramba” on an octave and a half scale, where you replace each note on the scale with the word “Gee. To improve your vocal range, practice singing “Do Re Mi”, go up and down the scale so that your voice gets used to different tones.
So can anyone learn to sing? YES, as long as you're willing to work and have realistic goals, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve. If you're comfortable singing, because you do it every day and it's part of your routine, you'll feel much more comfortable when it's time to sing in front of the audience. Although many people take singing lessons to improve their voice, you can also develop your own style and confidence on your own. The surprising thing is that singing a little louder will give you a much better base for singing across your entire range.
Also, make sure you stand up straight, breathe through your diaphragm, and widen and relax your throat for a richer tone as you sing. If you are a person who tries to sing well but always ends up missing the pitch, listening to someone without professional training do it effortlessly will play tricks with your mind. A proper shape, or singing position, is essential to get the most out of your instrument, that is, your vocal cords. The truth is that projecting your way of singing is one of the most important things to master when you are teaching yourself to sing.